
10 Signs That You Are Addicted to Social Media

FOMO, or Fear Of Missing Out, and FOBO, or Fear Of Being Offline, are forms of nomophobia — smartphone separation anxiety born of fear of being disconnected from the online world. The struggle is real and both, in fact, may need treatment the same way other more accepted types of phobias do.

9 Ways Social Media Is Changing Your Brain

Social media is changing the world. It’s changing the way we communicate, the way we consume information, the way we travel, and even the way we eat. Not only does it influence our daily lives, it also changes the very structure and function of our brains.

How to Use Facebook Live for Your Business

In a bid to quash YouTube’s monopoly of the video landscape, Facebook introduced a new way to connect with an audience and rolled out Facebook Live. Already, it is proving to be an important marketing tool in every marketer’s bag, though not everyone has mastered its use yet.

Effective Pinterest Marketing Strategies

Pinterest’s value of $12 million tells us their platform is capable of rapid growth. If you’re a brand or a social media manager, you need to start strengthening your Pinterest marketing strategy as early as now because there’s no telling what this platform is capable of doing in the future.