How to Give Your Followers Happy Feelings for Social Media Success

Nobody goes online to hear bad news and negative narratives. It’s heartbreaking, disappointing and just plain depressing.

Have you ever talked to a negative person and hung on his every word because you liked listening to energy-draining talk? Do you think people will tend to react positively if you’re posting gloomy and meaningless updates, that don’t have any tangible benefit to their lives?

Image credit: imgur

You probably didn’t know that there are data that suggest social media users who exhibit a lot of negativity in their posts have a lower number of Followers than those who don’t.

There are many studies that reveal the basis of happiness and not surprisingly, those who generate happiness online are favored more than those who don’t. Besides happiness, there’s another way that science says will encourage people to follow you and it’s called social proof. Social proof, in a nutshell, is a type of conformity that encourages people to do what others are doing.

You can buy social proof in the form of Followers, and then let your massive following attract real, organic Followers. Because if thousands of people are already following you, the internet will take notice and many people will be compelled to come check you out, and maybe follow you too.

This is a bit of an oversimplification of the phenomenon of social proof, but it works just as well as these science-backed ways below, which will bring happiness to your viewers and more Followers to you.

7 Science-Backed Ways to Spread Happiness Online

Image credit: WellnessHub

Happiness is 40% our choice, according to some research. Sometimes we get distracted by our circumstances, but our motivations to be happy remain the same no matter what’s happening in our lives. Take advantage of this and use positive emotions not just to spread happiness online but to gain a large following.

Make Them Laugh

Tell a joke or show your viewers table-slapping-funny videos and images. Laughter can be very contagious and has many psychological and medical benefits. If you can make people laugh, you up your chances of gaining Followers, one smile at a time.

An excellent example of how laughter can bring you Followers is Candace Payne, better known as Chewbacca Mom.

It's the simple joys in life….

Posted by Candace Payne on Thursday, May 19, 2016


This video, which was the most popular Facebook Live video of 2016, paved the way for Payne to become internet famous. Not only did she gain a ton of popularity and Followers with her contagious laughter, she also made a lot of money because of it.

Post Inspiring Quotes

Being positive about life makes it easier to reach for happy thoughts, and to actually be happy more often. Inspiring quotes about tackling common life stressors bring hope and strength, and help make personal and cultural issues more manageable.

Image credit: Bright Drops

Inspiring quotes also foster the realizations that can lead to self-development and increased self-worth. These are all things that can make people happy.

Take Up A Cause and Let Your Viewers Contribute

Raise awareness for a cause you are passionate about and involve your viewers. People feel happy when they’re helping others. So, when you provide opportunities for others to help, you also bring them happiness.

Take a look at how Disney ran their charity campaign for the Make A Wish Foundation. A lot of people responded and it was one of the most successful charity campaigns that used social media.

Image credit: Content Designed

Post Feel-Good Acts-of-Kindness Content

Post feel-good acts-of-kindness stories from around the web. Studies link acts of kindness to positive changes in well-being. So, whether they are directly involved in it or they’re just hearing or reading accounts of kindness firsthand, your viewers are bound to appreciate and feel good about the story.

The Good News section of HuffPost is full of such stories that you can share with your audiences.

Image credit: HUFFPOST

Host A Family Contest

Studies show that strong ties with friends and family make people happy. So, why not host a family contest that will provide a bonding experience for families (or friends!) and make you the center of it all.

If your business involves dogs, for example, you can ask viewers to post family pictures with their dogs. If you’re in the food industry, ask for a family photo with a meal, or ask them how they use your products and take a family selfie of it. The idea is to involve the whole family in the contest.

Suave did this in cooperation with Wal-Mart, and asked their audience to Instagram their family photos using their hashtags.

Image credit: First Class Fashionista

Embed or Recommend Mood-Boosting Music

Music regulates moods and, in fact, it can be uplifting even when it’s sad.

It has many powerful psychological functions, even including intervention benefits for the treatment of cancer in a clinical setting.

So, don’t hesitate to share music on your social media channels. If you are a musician and you have a SoundCloud account, then share or embed your tracks or other music you like in your social media posts. Let the sound of music bring you closer not only to your audiences but also to your goal of having many Followers.

Image credit: SoundCloud Help

Keep Your Feed Positive

Keep your feed positive and make it an inviting place for viewers to communicate with each other. Human connection makes people happy and happy posts create more of the same, as evidenced by an experiment conducted by Facebook in 2012.

Let’s also not forget that user accounts with more positive posts have a higher number of Followers than accounts with more negative updates.

With a massive following on your accounts you’ll be seen as an authority in your field. To kickstart that process, buy social media Followers from reputable companies. Just make sure you buy high-quality Followers, and only from tried and tested providers.

Be Happy To Make People Happy

Be a source of happiness on the Internet to attract more Followers. Give people more reasons to smile or laugh, and just  begenerally happy to be there reading your posts.

Start with being happy yourself and spread that happiness to all your viewers. Not only will you help make social media a happy place, but you’ll also increase your chances of gaining a solid social media following.

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