Twitter’s Success Team Has Tips for Christmas Tweets That Stand Out

Twitter’s Customer Success Team Has Tips for Christmas Tweets That Stand Out

The gift-giving season is fast approaching. People are already busy doing their last holiday shopping and filling their shopping and feeling their shopping bags with Christmas items. 

Moreover, this season is also a busy season for brands, especially those that utilize Twitter to make their brands stand out. For this reason, Twitter asked its own Customer Success team to share their most effective organic and advertising Twitter tips for the Christmas season.

Twitter’s Customer Success Team Has Tips for Christmas Tweets That Stand Out

Twitter’s Customer Success team works with different brands across various marketing goals and industries. This is the reason why the company thought that it is a natural fit to have them share their wisdom with advertisers. 

Now, here are the tips that brands should follow to make their Christmas tweets stand out among others:

1. Refresh Your Pinned Tweet and Your Entire Profile

You need to think of your Twitter profile as if it is your shop’s window. Doing this is an excellent move that will allow you to show your customers your brand’s personality and what matters to you this season. For instance, one way to refresh your profile is by adding a festive header photo. You can also pin a tweet where you show your best Christmas deals. 

2. Utilize Twitter’s Poll Feature

One great way to speak to your audience on Twitter is by conducting a poll. A Twitter poll will allow you to gather feedback about your product or service, show your brand’s lighter side, and find out more about your customers. In addition, you can also use polls as a part of your organic tactic on Twitter. You can also promote with Twitter Ads in order to widen your audience reach.

3. Add Urgency In Your Ad Copy

When your ad copies pose a sense of urgency, there will be a greater chance for you to encourage your viewers to make a purchase. Some examples of ads that have a sense of urgency are limited-time offers, products that are already low in stock, or limited-time free shipping promos. 

4. Do Not Use Too Many Hashtags

True enough, hashtags are an amazing way to connect to various conversations that are relevant to your brand. However, it is important to make sure that you are not using more than two hashtags. This way, you can keep it to a point that you focus on the tweet itself and not on the relevant conversations that the hashtags carry.

Twitter’s Customer Success Team Has Tips for Christmas Tweets That Stand Out

5. Utilize Website Cards

It is important to clean up your timeline with Website Cards. Instead of just using them on your campaigns, you should also use them on your organic tweets. This way, you will be able to draw attention to those tweets; thus making them more clickable. 

6. Refresh Your Ad Creatives

Refreshing your creatives or your tweets every two weeks will help you maintain a high-quality auction score. For this reason, both your tweets and creatives should change as the seasons change. For instance, this Christmas season, you’ll be able to build some excitement if your tweets are personalized for the season. 

7. Create A Healthy Balance

No business wants their brand to appear pushy. For this reason, it is important to maintain a healthy balance between content that adds value and sales content. Tweets that add value could be as simple as a product guide or a recipe. You can also tweet emotive content, such as uplifting tweets that can shroud your brand in a warm and fuzzy feeling. 

8. Play With Twitter’s Conversation Settings

Since Twitter is an innovative platform, it now allows you to have a private conversation publicly. Brands can host a panel where you can engage with some of your customers. You can also invite other brands to the thread so that you can create a whole new kind of discussion.

9. Use the Gift Guide

There are times when showcasing your products can feel self-serving. It can even fall flat for those audiences who want more. But when utilized the right way, product information and suggestions can help customers save their time in finding the right gift. For this reason, you will be able to help your customers ease their holiday shopping stress by giving them gift ideas for dads, friends, family, or even co-workers. 

10. Create How-to Videos

There are people who purchase a product, open it at home, only to feel a rising sense of panic. Instructions are not always helpful, especially when a product is too complex. So, if your brand’s product involves more than just basic assembly, or it has capabilities that you know some users might miss, creating how-to videos can be an effective answer. 

Create videos that will show your customers how your products are assembled and used. Apart from easing their stress, how-to videos will also reduce customer service queries. This is because such videos already answer common questions and deliver help to your customers even before they ask it from you. In addition, how-to videos are also a good way of advertising your products. 

11. Offer Your Customers A Pre-order Campaign When Buying Followers

True fans of your brand will love early access. Moreover, Twitter can be an excellent platform to inform them about that. For instance, you can create a short clip of someone using your product, post it on Twitter, and then tell your customers that they can get early access. This way, you will capture the attention of people and get them excited about the products that you will release. You can even promote them, and buy them Twitter followers as a prize.

Twitter’s Customer Success Team Has Tips for Christmas Tweets That Stand Out


There is no denying that Twitter is a helpful tool for advertisers, especially if you know how and where to buy Twitter followers. With all the features and tools that this platform offers, it has become very much easier for advertisers to reach their target audience and tell them the message that they want to disseminate. In addition, Twitter has also become a way for brands to connect with their target audience in a more personal way. This is because it is easier for them to tag and mention people on the platform.

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