
How Much Does It Cost To Buy 1 Million Twitter Followers?

UPDATE: As of this update, there are currently no reputable providers offering 1 million Twitter followers in single packages.

A number of our top Twitter follower providers still offer up to 200,000 follower packages.

See the list for more information.

Anybody who is anybody on Twitter is vying for more followers, and having 1 million under your name is quite the badge of honor. This is especially rewarding for small businesses who are out to make a name for themselves on the platform – growing your following can lead to increased brand awareness, improved SEO and website traffic, and a variety of other benefits. Of course, acquiring followers is never easy and predictable, especially if you rely on organic growth. That’s why digital marketing experts continuously look for ways to speed up the entire process.

These days it’s become a lot easier to grow your following on Twitter. Getting 1 million followers isn’t all that unattainable anymore – but you have to be willing to pay the price. There are different methods of boosting your following, and the price tag on each one varies.

Read More »How Much Does It Cost To Buy 1 Million Twitter Followers?

What Do Bought Twitter Followers Look Like?

Buying Twitter followers gets a bad rap, thanks in large part to the abundance of low quality providers who sell fake followers. Purchasing followers to boost credibility on Twitter is actually a very common and effective practice being used by big celebrities and politicians – but you can’t expect them to talk about it.

Some people are fond of calling out fellow users whom they think are purchasing followers. This makes what is already a stigma a whole lot worse. What most people don’t know is that there are two different types of bought followers being sold on the interwebs: fake followers and authentic followers. That difference is very important.

Read More »What Do Bought Twitter Followers Look Like?


Six Crazy Social Media Ideas to Make You Look Popular

In the highly superficial world of Social Media, how people perceive you based on your online persona is key to establishing who you are as a brand.  It is generally known that status is deeply correlated to how many followers and subscribers you have and what your profile looks like on social media. It is for this reason that celebrities and popular brands strive to gain and maintain their subscriber base through creative marketing methods that ensure they stay relevant to their audience and maintain their status online.

Read More »Six Crazy Social Media Ideas to Make You Look Popular

Twitter vs. Facebook—Using the Right Network at the Right Time

Many marketers mess up when it comes to promoting brands on Twitter and Facebook. They think the two networks are interchangeable, so they use them both the same. In reality, these two networks are very different from one another, so you need to use them for different purposes. If you know when to use Twitter and when to use Facebook, you will get a lot more out of your campaign. To start, you may want to download this free social media content calendar from HubSpot to plan and organize the timing of all your social media posts.

Read More »Twitter vs. Facebook—Using the Right Network at the Right Time

#SuperBowl50 Shows the Impact of Live Updates on Twitter

Twitter has long made a name for itself by offering live tweets based around events, and Super Bowl 50 was no exception. The Super Bowl proved what many people have known for years: Twitter provides the perfect opportunity to connect with people through live events. Businesses can learn a great deal from the tweets sent out during Super Bowl 50. Analyze the numbers and then check out the various brands to learn how you can get a piece of the Twitter pie.

Read More »#SuperBowl50 Shows the Impact of Live Updates on Twitter

How Buying Followers on Instagram Gets You Great Shoutouts

Everyone wants to be famous on Instagram and get a chance at that 15 seconds of fame. One of the ways the Instagram Elite interact with each other – and bring the aspiring elite into their circle – is through shoutouts.

Shoutouts are a natural way to grow on Instagram, and are used by marketers, businesses and industry leaders to build up their target audience. When negotiating for a shoutout, there are key factors to keep in mind. For example, it’s unlikely that influencers will throw their weight behind a rarely active account with few followers. That’s why it’s important to establish your reputation before reaching out to key influencers. Luckily, online, you can purchase the beginning of a good reputation.

Read More »How Buying Followers on Instagram Gets You Great Shoutouts